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Fuel Your Growth With Data-Driven Experimentation

Power your growth initiatives with Ignite, the leading project management tool designed specifically for growth teams.


Why Ignite?

What Can Ignite Do For You?

Data-Driven Experimentation

Eliminate the guessing game with data. Create goals, brainstorm ideas, set tests and share learnings as you experiment.

Goal Setting and Tracking

Analyze how your strategies have evolved with all the past learnings and easily share your them across your team and public.

Idea Generation and Ranking

Determine the most profitable direction with models and break down long-term targets into granular metrics.

Test Management

Collaborate with popular data sources like Slack, Google Suit with offers push/pull integrations.

Learnings and Insights

Briefly summarize how well is your team performing/collaborating with everyone via weekly insights.

Team Performance Tracking

Monitor and analyze your team's contribution towards growth goals. Track participation, engagement, and individual contributions to optimize team dynamics.

SOP Creation and Access

Build Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) within the platform to streamline growth efforts. Access expert-curated SOPs from Ignite's team, maintaining industry alignment.

Collaboration & Communication

Foster a collaborative environment where team members can share ideas, provide feedback, and work together to achieve common growth objectives.

Insights and Reporting

Gain actionable insights through visual analytics, graphs, and charts. Export data and reports for further analysis and sharing with stakeholders.

Ready To Accelerate Your Experimentation Process?

Power your growth initiatives with Ignite, the leading project management tool designed specifically for growth teams.



Collaborate with popular data sources like Slack, Google Suit with offers push/pull integrations.


Add Multiple Goals using the OKR framework, with specific timelines for better transparency progress tracking analytics

Key Metrics

Collaborate with popular data sources like Slack, Google Suit with offers push/pull integrations.


Ideas are open to all team members. Create an Ideas backlog for future utility. Categorize & prioritize Ideas with ICE Score and nominations


Assign tasks to specific team members for accountability. Tests are later sent to learnings post-analysis


Learning concludes each idea. A valuable database that can be extremely benefiting in the future.


Graphs and charts highlighting the stats of each project. View data for past 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Observe weekly team participation


Determine the most profitable direction and
find your north star metric within 10 minutes
Break Long-term targets into granular metrics


Easy communication via comments. Tag or mention the users & collaborators


Seamlessly work with all your data platforms in one place.


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